I didn’t write anything in the last 2,5 mounths. I promise , I try to post more often!
What`s happened in the last 2,5 mounths?
- I had a 10 day traningcamp in Italy, Pesaro. I rode: 8 days, 1050km and 11870m ascent. It was a big fun with Dini and VasP!
- 19. April, Nightrider 12 night race. It was a bad event for me. I had to give up the race after 4 hours, I had some bugg. I wasn’t well…. 1,5 weeks aspirin treatment came after it.
- 21. May. Beastway! It was my first single speed XC race! I love it! I finished on 4. I missed the second one because it was too close to my 12 hour race in Bristol. But I am looking forward for the coming one 18. June.
- 7. June, Bristol bike fest 12 hour race. Nice! Big names were on the entry list. I came on 6. I am really happy with it!
Szia Szabi,
Kicsit poackos vagy a képen.:-)))) A bringa nagyon cool. :-) Jó versenyzést. FD
Upsz, pedig nincs pocak...lassan mar a 30-as farmer is leesik rolam...
Vagy a kep torzit, vagy gyomorbol vettem a levegot! :D
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