After I finished my training session this morning, I didn't do my usual morning routines. I was off today from work. I had a invitation for a Mavic seminar. We got some idea what's new in the 2010 range, and how we can solve problems and service new wheels sets. I have to say Mavic put a lots of work and energy in the R-SYS range. In this moment 3 different types of R-SYS available but the new Ultimate full carbon version is coming soon. ( only 25 are going for production line in the first round) This is the moment when you have to sit down... oh yes, the pair of wheel's weight is 940 grams... but the price is coming around £4500... wuffff! I love this wheels, but I think it isn't my party. Anyway, we got some idea what did happened with the first generation R-SYS wheels, why Mavic did the recall and how solved the problem. The new spokes are much much stronger... we could crack couple of old and new one with plier and felt the different. Unfortunately the guys couldn't give any information from the CrossMax Ultimate wheels, but it is definitely coming... but I am bit unsure after seeing the R-SYS Ultimate's price. We got some education from the new Mavic cleats fitting system is well, I am looking forward now, when we get the own one in the shop. End of the day we left the building with lots of new information and a bag of free (useless) goodies... ( just a usual XXXXXL T-shirt , stickers and free bottle but nice gesture from Mavic). After the course I finished off my day in the gym with some leg and ab session and on the paper form I have to off to the bed 10 minutes time, because my alarm is setted 4 o'clock tomorrow morning...
Anyway, my first training camp is 2 weeks away, I am really looking forward. My performance is day to day better, and my coach is happy, what means I am happy is well! We started to plan the next year race calendar and I have to say , one thing is fix! You can see me on the 24 hour European championship! I know the guys, who will be there, are really hard, but I will do my best! I am coming up with the whole race calendar in couple of days time. In the same time my new manager Dave "BIG-GREEN-Liquigas-Cannondale" Brown started to send out the sponsorship requirement letters for couple of companies and we hope the best. Hopefully the shops still can help next year and support me may be with couple airplane ticket and hotel room rent in the next season.
Ok guys. to much now, I have to sleep , because time is clicking and everybody know!
Night night
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