My last week was quite close to the disaster, but thanks God, it is over! Today is Monday, rest day, no riding and no working day, relax day.... I have to get myself prepared for my next training camp. I am going to leave to Gran Canaria on Friday afternoon for 2 weeks!
I caught some minor cold last Monday. It wasn't a big issue, usually a simple cold lasts me around a day. My immunity system killed this one in 8 hours, but unfortunately I still felt the "benefits" during the first half of the week. My training plan was quite tough for last week and I couldn't managed to do all. (no reason for moaning, could be worse...BTW I just mad a new 5 minutes CP record... nearly 20 watts higher then my best one...)
Other than my cold and lack of training , last week was quite productive. We had very busy dispatch drivers during the week. For starter my new Northwave shoes turned up. These are the Extreme Tech MTB in green/orange colours. They has SpeedLight 3D super stiff carbon soles and Ultralight Microfibre upper without any stitching.
Also my second pair of Look pedals arrived. In my last post I had a bit rumble about new stuff, like seats , grips and pedals. I made decision in a week! I changed totally everything! :)
Custom Fizik Gobi XM for my Scalpel and Gobi 00 for my Flash are on order. Hopefully my new green ESI Chunky grip is turning up tomorrow and both Quartz pedals are on site already.
I used my first pair of Quartz for a week and I ordered straight a second pair one! For the Flash I ordered the slightly lighter carbon version. Is only 20 grams difference between the the carbon and cheaper version... but hang on, my Flash 29er is going to be my ultra pimp race bike. She wants the best from everything! I didn't think about the Ti axle version at all! I had Egg Beaters with Ti axles couple of years ago and I snapped 3 pairs of axles half!
I was amazed with the ESI grips. I read couple of good review about it and lots of forum threads are going around on Ergon vs. ESI. I been Ergon user in the last couple of years, but my first 5 hours ride on ESI made me a silicon foam lover! Not only feels comfier and gives you better control/grip over technical sections, but you can save a hell lots of weight as well! So, white ones stay on Scalpel and mad green ones go on Flash! Grips are sorted!
New and old... 60 grams saving and more comfort...
Saddle was a big question. I borrowed one of the shop's demo Gobi XM. I had couple of days ride on the Aliante first and than I changed to the Gobi. I felt good the Aliante, but something wasn't 100% right. The day when my butt touched the Gobi, I known in the first minutes, Gobi is the one! After couple of days usage I ordered a white/black carbon braided one for my Scalpel and a silly lightweight (and bloody expensive) Gobi 00 for my Flash!
And here came the next big question mark!? What kind of seat post I should use! I thought about Cannondale Flash seat post first, but after I placed it on the scale, I got a minor heart attack! 231 grams!? NO WAY!
My carbon Crank Brothers Cobalt 11 is very lightweight, around 168 grams in 27.2/400mm, but unfortunately you need a replacement clamp kit for carbon rail saddle and UK distributor doesn't keep it on stock! Negative....
While I was scratching my head, I found a KCNC catalogue in the workshop. Wow! KCNC Ti Pro Lite! It is 168 grams in 27.2/400m size and looks ultra cool, BUT is it strong enough? Well..... I didn't find too much review about in Internet and impressions are quite mixed about it... so, if you own/owned one and you have a personal experience , please share your opinion!

Friday I have been away on Campagnolo EPS seminar with Velotech and I-Ride! I seen and learn a lots of interesting stuff.... but know is late and time to go in the bed! :) Let's talk about Campy EPS tomorrow!
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