Friday, 17 December 2010
Festive season with lots of training...

Monday, 13 December 2010
140 days ago...

Well, I haven't done anything here exactly 140 days ago! It is a little bit shame, but I wasn't really in the blogging mood! Other side... nobody really shouted me " Szabi... why don't you do your blog????"
Thursday, 9 December 2010
I am back...hopefully

Ok, I know! I didn't write here anything ages... nearly 5 months ago. I wasn't really in blogging mood in the last couple of months... to much was on my plate. Moving, racing, training... Busy busy life, but I will try to find some time for managing this blog as well... I hope that I can share some interesting things from my life and you are out there still will follow me!
Monday, 26 July 2010
Salzkammergut trophy
I raced in heart of the Austrian alps two days ago. The experience is still fresh and the feeling is really mixed my inside. I am sad and happy in the same time. This race was really hard, really hard and not just a physical side, it was really hard mentally.
I am sad because I didn't do too well, I wanted to ride at least 1,5 hours better time, but this sadness is my fault. I put the requirement too high. I had to realize that this type of race isn't my profile. I don't really train for this and I can't really train for this type of the course. Unfortunately we haven't any similar high hill around London. In the same time I wasn't in my best shape, I am over 3 quite tough races and I finished on the podium every time. We try to shape up me for the 24 hours World Championship. The biggest problem, I lied myself and I thought that I do really well....it was a mistake! I have to learn and I have to accept, that I can't be in the top form all the time.
Other side I am happy! I am happy, because all of the bad things I didn't give up the race, I finished. I had a heroic fight my inside over 13 hours. I had to fight with my weakness, but I won! I killed the bad voice and I rode up on all the climbs and I finished the race properly. I did my best, that's it!
But what did happen?
I flow back to Hungary last Thursday afternoon. My really good friend, Zsabi came and picked up me on the airport and I stayed on her place over the night. The Tatra street base! :) We had dinner and we went in the bad really early. We drove to Bad Goisern on Friday morning with VasP, Hedi and Miss Fishtax. The trip was good fun, we had a lots of laugh in the car. We arrived to Bad Goisern late afternoon. We picked up our start number in 5 minutes and we had a quick shopping. Everybody prepared everything for a next morning early start. We been in the bed around 9 o'clock.
The alarm went on 3:50. Everybody jumped out from the bed and started to be done quickly. The start was 5 o'clock. We started the first climb in nearly dark. I was quite hopeful in the first 10 minutes, I felt okay and I didn't have any crump...hurra! But I had to realize my heart rate wasn't right. It was too low and I was slow... The weather was really humid and hot already. After 20 minutes I swatted really hard and I didn't feel any strength in my legs. And a mission started. I knew, that I couldn't ride good time, I was dead. I tried to eat a bit more, I thought may help, but it didn't work. My stomach started to be full and my energy level just went lower and lower. I wasn't well, I couldn't push hard uphill and I didn't feel myself confident on the downhills. I fallen off around 40km and I hit my left knee. Nothing major just some nasty bruise. I moved slowly and I didn't really stop until 150km. Around the Hallstadt lake, middle of the forest I hit the wall. I had to stop and sat down. I wanted to drink coke and eat flat bread, but I hadn't any with me. I was alone and I had to realize in this moment, how hard is this race. It more harder the any 12 or 24 hours race, where you know the course and you had a complete support team, who helps for you. After 10 minutes brake, I felt a bit better and I carried on riding. I rode up until the salt mine, but after I had to push the bike, I couldn't ride. Anyway, I finished a race on the 21. place in my age group with 13 hours and 40 minutes. "
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Fowlmead Enduro 6

Friday, 2 July 2010
Rest day and fixing broken bikes....
I started to feel the pressure in my head to fix my Scalpel after 3 weeks on Wednesday. It still had a broken bits of the seat post in the frame. Thanks Dave mega clever bold head, he got out the broken piece from the frame in 5 minutes. He had a brilliant idea, the bold head started to sparkle. He super glued one freewheel remover tool in the broken piece and after just wrenched out with a spanner... Genius! And it wasn't enough, after he landed me his old (new?!, anything what Dave owns more then two hours , it is turning to be old...) Thompson seat post! Cheers mate!
Thursday, 1 July 2010
No break...

Monday, 28 June 2010
What a great weekend!

Sunday, 27 June 2010
Broadband is back, speedway course in Richmond park?!

Thursday, 24 June 2010
Rest Monday, end of power cut and Cannondale 2011
I started this week really hopefully after my terrible last week. Monday was my rest day and my carb load day. I found out, that I didn't take enough carb in the last couple of days and possible that was the problem behind my weak performance. I started the day in the gym, I had 1,5 hours upper body workout. After I rode to Earls Court when I had some breakfast with Adel. I picked up some fresh British strawberry on the market on the way and we had a good old classic porridge with it. After breakfast we went for a walk and we had a nice Mexican lunch in Whole Foods. On the way out we picked up some Wallaby bars for snacking. These are from Australia and hasn't contain gluten or added sugar. We finished the afternoon in Kensington garden with a big cup of Starbucks coffee and couple of M&S cookies (hmm.. they are not the healthy option, full on sugar and wheat, but sometimes you need a cheat). I consumed 2 servings of Vitargo for a better carb load during the day. I went in the bed really early and looked forward the next morning training. I was so nervous and I didn't sleep well....

I was awake v around 5:30. I headed out to train quickly. I had 30gr Vitargo before exercise. The first sign was good. I didn't have any blood sugar problem after 20 minutes. I got in the park and after a half lap I started to do my intervals workout. Everything was fine and I felt myself strong again. I think problem is sorted, I have to take much much more carb then before I did. Hopefully end of my power cut and I can perform well on the next weekend 6 hours Enduro race.
I had appointment with my dentist again. He finished my tooth and put the final filling in. I haven't any more bad teeth , thanks God!
I did a huge order wit SS health food on Monday afternoon and the pack arrived next day. This is service for you... I ordered 11 boxes protein bars, it was on offer. Ok, not all mine, but I keep 4 boxes! :)

Yesterday was a really good day. The British weather turned glorious! Sunshine all day long. When I left in the gym around 6:30 in the morning, it was backing outside already. I had a lots of basic jobs (first services and bike builds) in the morning and I decided to work on the back yard. It was quite good fan, working half naked and sunglasses on. The Cannondale rep popped in the shop on the afternoon and showed for us the 2011 range. We are not aloud to post any picture or info, but I have to say the new carbon cross bike looks amazing! It is already on my Xmas list. Lots of change in the road and mountain line is well..models disappeared and new ones came.
Ok ladies and gentleman , time for breakfast now!
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Moody week with weak performance, 2 boxes painkillers and nice foods...

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Monday, 14 June 2010
End of the rest and time to harvest...

Friday, 11 June 2010
New projects and huge appetite

"Easy" (?!) week..

Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Rest days...

I tried to sleep on the afternoon, but I gave up after 20 minutes. I had a shower and a coffee and after I went to shopping some good food in Whole Foods Market. I stopped nearly all shop on the way and I bought some little meal or drink everywhere. I finished in the bed around 10 o'clock and I slept 10 hours in one go.

Tibi, my friend and driver and part of my support crew, did some video on the English Marathon Championship last year and finally he put in one piece!
Monday, 7 June 2010
Bristol bike-fest - WHAT A FU@@ING RACE????

Thursday, 3 June 2010
Carbo load

Wednesday, 2 June 2010
New arrival

Tuesday, 1 June 2010
1. Jun?!?!

Sorry, but what a fuck is wrong with this British weather???? I just stand on our balcony and can't belive it... I still have to go out and make at least 2 hours training. Crit race is no way tonight! Thanks, I don't like to ride ice-rink... I don't really wanna break myself for little pieces 4 days before my race... Aaaa , time to go out! Shut up and train!
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Long weekend and up coming race...

Monday, 17 May 2010
Mad week!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Duncton sportive + a bit more